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Recipie for spagetti carbonara

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I learnt a very simple one when I was in France. Here it goes:






Onion (large - mild)

2 egg yolks

Double cream

Freshly grated Parmesan cheese

Olive oil (doesn't need to be extra virgin, as it's for cooking only)




While the spaghetti are boiling in a large pan full of water with a generous pinch of sea salt and a drizzle of olive oil cut the bacon into thin stripes and shallow fry until crisp (I just 'show' the oil to the frying pan as the bacon has enough fat on itself to cook). Leave aside.


In another bowl add a couple of tablespoons of grated Parmesan, the double cream (about one of those 450ml pots), and the two egg yolks.


When the bacon has cooled down a little add it to the sauce.


When the spaghetti are done (al dente - normally 11/12 minutes for the dry variety), strain and pour sauce over them. That's it! You can put some extra Parmesan cheese on top if you want. Enjoy! :)

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I do mine without cream (it makes me feel sick)


Boil pasta


Fry in olive oil; chopped onion and garlic and bacon, add a little basil and season.

Whip up an egg or two in a cup

Drain the pasta and turn it back into the saucepan together with the onion/garlic/bacon mix.

Add some grated cheese and the whipped egg

Mix over a low heat until it's all mixed together but the egg is still runny

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