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Fur 'n' Feathers

No Need to Restrict Egg Intake!!

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Just decided to check what the healthy limit to egg consumption is per week as remembered something in the past about this and egg consumption now likely to go up in this household :lol:


Lo & behold ... found this on the internet and wondered if others had read it! Good news for hen owners!!!! (& friends of :lol: )




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I've known this for several years since I first lo-carbed and was eating a lot of eggs. I got fed up with the number of patients coming in to me for chol checks and telling me the doc had told them to restrict their egg intake - had many a 'discussion' with my docs as to why they were telling the patients this, and produced a load of research papers to back myself up!

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I had someone on my course the other week ask what I do with all the eggs with regards to the problem that too many eggs in your diet cause high cholesteral :?:?


as most of my eggs go into baking or given away it's not a problem........but now if someone asks again, I can tell them that this theory has been dispelled :wink::D

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