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Lovely chicken experiences today. First there was Chicken Rugby. I had tucked bits of Marmite on toast into a treat ball that my hamsters never saw the point of. Sure wish I had photos or better yet a video of what happened with the ball was rolled into the run. There was the initial scrum. Then, after much skirmishing, one would get hold of the ball and make a running dash, the others in fierce pursuit. The ball was dropped and recovered, hens running like mad from one end of the run to the other and back again. When one succeeded in seizing a titbit from the ball, she would announce it, fluff herself up to twice normal size and do a victory lap or two, then dart into a corner, the safest place to scoff it down. Better even than spaghetti for hentertainment, at least as far as my chooks are concerned.


Later, when it turned sunny, I found three of them dust bathing. They used the fresh aubiose I'd put down--so much for play sand in a trug! This is the first time I've seen them do it and maybe it was the first time they'd done it, given that one meandered about, seemingly puzzled by what the rest were up to. :shock:


I guess I can always wait until after dark to watch the telly or do anything "constructive".

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:lol: :lol: :lol: .........they can provide hours of hentertainment and of course get loads of fun from it themselves :D



I guess I can always wait until after dark to watch the telly or do anything "constructive".


but that's forum time :wink::lol::lol:


Uh, I thought that forum time was any time you could spare from hentertainment. 8)

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:lol: Love the word hentertainment - I've asked for it go into the Omlet dictionary if that's OK 8)


Oh the hours I've wasted on chicken watching and foruming since October 2006! What did I used to do with my time? :lol:


Snowy, how could I possibly object to the word being entered into such a prestigious dictionary? 8)


Next stop: the Pullet Surprise!

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I tried mine with something similar ages ago - a hollow rubber ball with gaps in it, stuffed with "treats" for them.

They were absolutely terrified of it, and ran squacking as soon as it moved (which ballls do if you peck them!). They are still petreified of it. No idea why; I just put it down near them filled with their favourites....

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I tried mine with something similar ages ago - a hollow rubber ball with gaps in it, stuffed with "treats" for them.

They were absolutely terrified of it, and ran squacking as soon as it moved (which ballls do if you peck them!). They are still petreified of it. No idea why; I just put it down near them filled with their favourites....


Chickenanne, I thought mine might be sppoked by it too, especially as it has a smaller ball inside which has a bell. Mine is plastic which makes it much lighter and that might make all the difference. It can be tossed around and even picked up by them without any danger of "black eyes". It was sold as a play ball for small animals like hamsters and yours sounds like the kind that are meant for dogs.


Since treats are now associated with the sound of the bell, I have come into a bit of Pavlovian power! :dance:

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Sounds like fun! :D That's something else for me to put on my list when I go to PetsatHome, I'm going to have to invent an imaginary small pet though - it gets very embarassing when the assistant asks if you need any help and you explain you are looking for toys for your chickens ! :oops::lol:

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I have the one for a large dog but think they might just get mown down by that.

Worm chase has been played well this week, as we've been clearing a patch of the garden for decking so moving soil. One finds a worm then the others all chase to pinch it.

Its had us in tears from so much laughing

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