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Swollen Wattle / Noisy this morning

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Hello there. I am new to chickens and to internet forums! I have had four pullets for about a month and they are absolutely wonderful - so comical! They are laying well and seem very happy, but one of them has a swollen wattle on one side only. It is not discoloured and she seems very happy generally, but there is a lump about the size of a small grape. They have an enclosed run and a limited amount of garden freedom (supervised) during the day. Any ideas please?


Also, we were woken at about 6.30 this morning by one of the chickens clucking in a rather rhythmical alarmed way, as if being attacked or as if it was in pain. Upon investigation there was nothing untoward, but could there have been a predator? There are lots of big bully black crows and buzzards round here. Please tell me this is only a one-off!


Many thanks for your help and lovely to read all your stories.

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Hello Squatlobster and welcome to the forum.. Great name. :lol:


They often have uneven and rather large wattles. It is probably nothing to worry about. Have you checked it carefully for wounds or signs of infection.?


Re the early morning alarm call...it does sound as if you might have had a nocturnal visitor. Could have been anything from a passing cat to a fox I'm afraid.

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Thank you Egluntine. Yes, no obvious wounds - she is still bossy, greedy and laying. She looks and acts healthy, except for that swelling. It feels firm, but not unduly hot or rigid.


I hope you are right and that it was simply an early morning predator. Otherwise I can foresee some complaints from neighbours, no matter how many eggs I give them!


Many thanks.

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I hate to be the bearer of unwanted news but there is a chance that the noise she was making was just for the fun of it rather than a visitor. Of course, if you are lucky she may just have been warning off someone/thing but the rythmic description you gave sounds just like my ginernut ranger - Nugget. My other one doesn't do it but Nugget, occasionally luckily, does this rythmic thing that is much louder than her ususal cluck. It starts with a few buk, buk, buks then ends on a very loud longer burrrrrrk. Does this sound familiar? I have no idea what sets her off some days, there seems to be no reason behind it, no birds/aeroplanes/cats or anything. Sometimes she does it just before or after an egg lay but sometimes it is just completely random. She luckily doesn't do it all that often and so far, my neighbours haven't moaned but yesterday she was particulary bad so I am going to drop some eggs around to the neighbours just in case they are ready to moan now!!!

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