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Mirror mirror on the wall

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Having read on the forum about putting a mirror in with the girls, I bought a small one yesterday and put it in the run at chook head height.


The girls were so funny. Treacle took one look at the big black hen in the mirror and immediately puffed herself up to try and scare off this frightful interloper.


Toffee, who I like to think is more thoughtful, was looking at her reflection and then peering around the back to see where the rest of this mystery chook was.


I can't wait until Muggle (aka "The Weeble") catches a glimpse of her fluffy topknot. :lol::lol::lol:

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Having read on the forum about putting a mirror in with the girls, I bought a small one yesterday and put it in the run at chook head height.


The girls were so funny. Treacle took one look at the big black hen in the mirror and immediately puffed herself up to try and scare off this frightful interloper.


Toffee, who I like to think is more thoughtful, was looking at her reflection and then peering around the back to see where the rest of this mystery chook was.


I can't wait until Muggle (aka "The Weeble") catches a glimpse of her fluffy topknot. :lol::lol::lol:


Don't let Muggle out of your sight! Her reflection will show her a critter the like of which she hasn't seen (at least in your neck of the woods!). Fascinating post! :lol:

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I did the same yesterday - bought a small 'value' mirror from Tescos and fastened it to the weld mesh. lottie was first to have a look - I really thought she'd hypnotised herself - she just froze and stared for about 2 mins :lol: Pepper had a look next and kept turning her head as if to see which was her best side - then did a few 'casual over the shoulder' type glances - such a poser ! :lol:

They are so funny aren't they ?

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Oh, I must get a mirror :D . That CD just flaps around in the wind and is no use for putting your mascara (or vaseline!) on :roll: .


:lol: yes it does or looks like it gonna chop them up with a bad wind. mine run round ducking from theres.

now then i must have a mirror they can use,

of on a mirror hunt.


can imagine next they will need brush comb :lol: to tidy them selves up when they get up in morning :!:

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Today I found a two-sided makeup and shaving mirror at Superdrug for £3.99. It fits right onto the Eglu wiremesh with a spring clip. It might fall off if pecked very aggressively, but that shouldn't create a problem.


As for a mirror starting a fire, look where the sun will be hitting it and where it will reflect. My run gets the afternoon sun and would reflect away from anything that might combust.


The girls were more interested when it was not at neck-craning level. Maybe they feel freer to pick on a smaller bird than themselves. :?


Must go out now and watch beddy-byes.

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