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chicken attacks

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I allow my chickens to totally free range but they eat anything new planted. I don't want to restrict them as 2 are exbats and they pace like demented polar bears when put in their run. Any ideas not just for veggies but also my flower beds.

They had a great time de-heading all my dafs. whilst I was at work one day!!!


2 ex bats

1 1/2 banty

1 cat

1 rabbit

2 g pigs 8 weeks old

1 untamed 13yr old daughter

1 very slightly tamed OH

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Saw somewhere hanging baskets wrap around with cling film. Maybe would a good mini clouch.OverviewMake your own cloches to use as handy home-made devices to keep your seeds. Made using hanging baskets and secondary glazing film, they resemble traditional Victorian bell cloches but cost a fraction of the price. The film will be strong enough to last a few months and is easily replaced if it does break.


Do it:autumn - spring

Takes just:10 minutes

How to do itCover the hanging basket with a piece of the glazing film, attaching it to the rim with double-sided tape. Leave about 5cm excess at the edges.

Use a hairdryer to blow the film until all the wrinkles disappear and it goes tight. Snip off the surplus film with a pair of scissors.



"Use garden wire and pegs to anchor your cloche to the soil."


More projects for protecting seedlingsInsulate your greenhouse. Sow seeds indoors

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