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Chooks coming tomorrow

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as long as run is finished :oops:



Jerry (or maybe Tom - my 3 year old son is naming)

Charlotte and

Roast (guess who picked this - DH)


and maybe a couple of others - depends whether I leave it a bit then add two more or get them altogether now - not going to get a Skyline tomorrow :cry: (they are ready in July if I want to wait!)


So eggcited - can't wait - on a course today to take my mind of it :wink:

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Great news Phosphorous, Good Luck for tomorrow. Don't forget some pics :D


You've got a nice big run - why not get 6 tomorrow and then 2 skylines in July. Sorted :wink::wink:


I tested that one out last night with DH - he wasn't impressed. Might get 6 tomorrow anyway and then try it on in a few months time -afterall I am 40 in August :wink:

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quote="moomin"] afterall I am 40 in August :wink:


Me too! and OH is 40 in June - the chickens and Eglu were our 40th present....... bet not many people can say they got chickens for their 40th.....I never like being ordinary!!


Good luck with your chickens today.......life will never be the same! :D

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