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How long to lay an egg?

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I'm very new to this so not qualified to give advice :oops: but....mine started laying last weekend. They have gone from spending a couple of hours in the nest box on Sunday to just popping in and out again today - two eggs in the nest box before I've even noticed they'd been in!


Difficult to say how long it took them individually the first couple of days as they insisted in all going in the eglu together regardless of who was laying :lol:

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my book says half an hour - to - two hours. Mine vary considerably - one (Rye) goes in and out a few times, then she sits in there for well over half an hour - the other two seem to be a few minutes, or before we have even been out to them in the morning.



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mine take anything from a couple of minutes - when they've been outside hopping from foot to foot waiting for the one in front - to a couple of hours - the one in front who gets prime position!! :)


But they always bok bok loudly when they are done to show off!! :)

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Bonza is taking a long time this morning! She keeps going to nest box to have a scratch - then goes out in the garden. She is also spending an awfuly long time in the shrubs :( I'm hoping she doesn't lay in there as it could be very difficult for me to find the egg in there. I've already had one look - crawling on hands and knees, getting poked in the eye with twigs!

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8) Fifi just laid her first egg...2 1/2 hours after first going into Eglu...worth waiting for though as it's huge compared with Cleopatra's...will take pics soon. She came out of the Eglu, stood tall and told the World what she had done very loudly :D Off to buy some digital scales now...just gotta weigh this bruiser :wink:
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Sure I've posted this somewhere else...but no matter...got back from Argos with digital scales (can't believe I am so eggcited about them)...Cleopatra's 1st 3 eggs weighed 37, 38 & 41gms...tiddlers...but Fifi's 1st egg weighed a respectable 58gms and looks huge compared to Cleopatras.

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