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New Ex-battery girls wont stop eating!

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collected my rescue girls yesterday. I am a bit concerned about the incredible amount they seem to be eating. If I put a bowl of food in (a typical human pudding sized bowl!) the three of them will dive into it and eat it all frantically not stopping until its empty a matter of minutes later. I understand that they do this becuase of how they have been kept. But what should I be doing now though? I'm worried that if I give them food on demand they will just eat and eat and eat. (They are on organic layers pellets, which I have ground up to make them more like the mash they have been used to).

Should I continue filling the bowl up when its empty? Or give them a certain amount? Did anybody else get ex batts yesterday from Adlel? How are they doing?

They arrived yesterday afternoon and have already started scratching the grass. Fab to see.

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Hi HENthusiastic, I wondered how you were getting on as I got mine from Adele yesterday- am going to post piccys in a minute.


Mine are eating loads as well although I've watched one scratch it all out onto the floor so I think that's where a lot of it has gone. I've filled up 2 containers three times today and mine have also tried some cherry tomatoes and carrot peelings :) There is only one who has been in the run for any length of time but then it's been raining a lot here today anyway.

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My five ex bats eat loads of layers mash. The first two week, I was only filling up the grub every two to three days. Since they have started to lay again, I have to fill the grub up every day with layers mash. Recently, I have also been wondering about the quality of the layers mash I am buying. They seem to waste alot...turfing it onto the ground. Trouble is, I can't experiment with different makes as there is only one supplier near me and he is 20 miles away! Also, we have to bear in mind that ex battery hens have spent all their life until rescued having nothing to do except feed. Mine do stop around 2pm until 4pm, where they just sit and relax, sunbathing and dustbathing. It's so lovely to see them behave naturally is'nt it? Have fun.

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