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Broody Hybrid?!?

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So much for hybrids dont go broody! I've only had my girls a couple of months, but Henrietta has gone broody! I've tried sitting her on ice packs... she stayed there till they defrosted, then she warmed them up nicely!! :roll: All Saturday morning and all day SUnday she's been shut out of her house, but has still returned to her broody position on the nest when let back in tonight. At times today she was found in broody position in any random place! I can't bear to plunge her into cold water (and she hates me enough already for stopping her hatch her imaginary eggs). :? I dont have a broody cage any suggestions of anything else I can do please?

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All I can say is dont worry :)


You've tried the ice packs and that is a start (you can keep doing it)


We tried the broody cage, ice packs, repeat dunking and none of this stopped our broody hen :roll: so we left her to it and she came out of it naturally after 3 weeks.


As long as you ensure that some point during the day she gets up to eat and drink - even if its only a few minutes.


good luck.

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I had a broody last year.


They are just less prone to it than pure breeds.


The cold water method is reputed to work if you do it a few times a day.


Give it a go.....it costs nothing! :lol:


Can you beg steal or borrow a wire dog crate to use as a broody cage?

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Hi. Thanks for your answers. Especially you Mrs Jones!! :lol: Not really an option. Only had chooks a couple of months and I got 3 ex batts yesterday, so I think I've got enough on my hands right now without thinking about hatching! :lol:

I think I will just try to keep her out of the nest area when I can and check shes eating and drinking. Eglutine, I know I might be soft, but I just cant dunk her in water, especially a few times a day........ I thought you were just meant to do it once and I couldn't even see myself doing that! I dont suppose it really matters that she's broody does it? when I shut her out of the house and she Is out free ranging She seems to be preening herself less and pecking and scratching more which I took to be a good sign.

Thanks again for your reasurance. Love your calmnesss Chelsea! My Plan is to make sure she has time each day shut out of her house and freeranging and checking that she eats and drinks and trying not to fret about it! Cheers.

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