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Where shall i put my chickens when i go on holiday. the girl who usualy looks after them "cant be bothered". we have no one to look after them, where do we put them. help help help. p.s. we go on holiday in 4 weeks so like we dont have much time. help

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Oh Kim, I see your dilemma. Sorry I'm too far away to help! By the way, do post & tell us how your chooks have been getting along recently.


Do you know another girl who is local enough to do this? Or a neighbour? After all, they can have fresh eggs in return and a lovely, rewarding experience.

Although they must realise the responsibility, I would think its less trouble than asking someone to look after a dog or cat. I fed a friends cat for 2 weeks when she was desperate & hardly saw it. Just think, they get to talk to the chickens

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It has occurred to me that if I ever go on hols for any length of time and am unable to rely on the kindness of neighbours, then it wouldn't be impossibly difficult to up and take the eglu and chickens to my sister's house a few miles away - she can keep them in the run if she's worried about letting them out and won't have the inconvenience of having to come round to my house at the crack of dawn just to let them out :D


... of course I haven't even got my chickens yet ... :roll:

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I don't know if there are any other Eglu owners up there Kim. Don't you have a kind neighbour or relative who wouldn't mind popping in twice a day? It could just be once if they're really safe in their run and will put themselves to bed in the Eglu at night now it's much warmer - that way it would just be a case of giving them clean water and mash in the mornings and retrieving the eggs.

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how long are you going away for?

we went away from monday till friday over the easter hols & we just had my uncle come on weds because thats all he could manage (eglu door was left open) i filled a massive ice cream top full of water and used the 2 peanut feeders for their feed. they were fine and the nesting box is big enough to hold a few days worth of eggs. it depends how long you're going away for though :|

sorry im not much help, but i hope you get sorted

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We have used adults from up the street who had never been near a hen but really enjoyed it. We were owed favours from looking after their cat on many occasions.

At christmas, when all adults up street very busy, we paid a local teenager. Again she really got into it and the whole family came to visit I was told. Hens were also give most of the salad/greens her poor mum had bought for the family to eat!!


I've found there is very little that a teenager won't do for money.....


Only other thought, having used kennels in the past for dogs, is that some kennels also do small animals - might be worth ringing round to find out if any local to you do this. Or ring RSPCA/local vet and see if they know of an animal lover who would look after your girls for suitable reimbursement.

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