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Mrs Frugal

Gina's Spicy Bean Burgers

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Gina's Spicy Bean Burgers


The recipe is easy - well, it has to be for me, who burns everything.


Makes 4


1 x finely chopped onion

1 x grated carrot

1/2 chopped red pepper

1 x garlic clove

1 x tin kidney beans - mashed

tsp ground coriander (or less if wanting less spicy)


(rice flour for coating - which isn't that good, so use breadcrumbs, or whatever you prefer)



Chuck the onion, carrot and red pepper in a pan and fry for a bit (6 mins or so)

stir in garlic and coriander

Add mashed kidney beans.

stir for a bit longer.


Divide mixture onto 4 and pat into burger shapes.

Cover with coating and bake for 20-30 mins at 200C/400F/Gas6


Easy Peasey


edit - I tried these coated with egg and breadcrumbs and they were dee-lish yummy.gif

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