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Ooooh more kittens how lovely :D


I don't understand why you are having problems getting someone to help with the neutering issue :? It is easy money for the surgeries as it is such a straightforward procedure :roll:


Some vets will do the op on a newly pregnant animal but they generally charge more and it is an unpleasant thought :oops:


You should try making a cat box into a bed and see if you can begin to make them see it as a sleeping place that will make them easier to catch when the time comes :shock:

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Lesley, there's a charity in Banbury called BARKS (Banbury Animal Rescue and Kindness Society), which has arrangements with local vets to neuter any cats they take in, they might be able to help. I understand that they operate with Hawthorne Lodge (01295 259446) vets in Banbury, which is where our cats go. I could have a try catching them for you, but won't be around now until the 3rd.


:idea: Have you tried the PDSA or Blue Cross - they might help for a donation


The pet shop in Church Lane in Banbury often has kittens for sale, and they are very well looked after. The bloke who runs it is called Keith, he might be able to take them off your hands if you have too many.

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Jackie - that is where I started - they weren't interested because I'm not claiming any benefit. I want to pay but they wouldn't help - just said to take them to the vet. The vets say catch them the night before and then phone by 6.30pm to see if they can fit them in next day. RSPCA have put us on a list for a trap.


They rely on us for food so shouldn't be too difficult to catch - but there are four half grown, semi feral cats and now two kittens. Mummy cat lets me touch her very briefly, the others won't come near.


Obviously not enough TV cameras to entice them :roll::?


Thanks for the offer to help Clare - I haven't tried phoning Avon Cat Rescue yet - I'll phone tomorrow and see what they say.


Perhaps I should wait until there are about 100 cats and then invite CPL or RSPCA to sort it out - trying to be resposible in the first place doesn't seem to work.

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Its really strange Lesley. I reckon its where you live and whoever is their rep from that area... we have neighbours who had wild cats procreating all the time and the CPL were brilliant. no benefits, no questions, they came along, trapped the cats, took them all off, rehomed the babies etc.

It doesn't make sense, but I bet you must be finding it very frustrating.

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I think it's down to area too Annie - I called the RSPCA afetr a neighbour at the bottom of the road used to go away for days and leave her pointer dog in the garden with a bucket of food and a bowl of water - the poor thing used to howl for days on end - several people in the street called them, but they wern't interested (when you eventually got through) :roll:

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