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Well I've beaten both Gina and Diana to it!!!! :D


Well, not me personally you understand - our cat is producing kittens as I write 8)


I feel so sorry for her because she is little more than a baby herself but at the same time it is lovely.


On Wednesday I thought I was going soft in my old age - I bought some fleece fabric to make two cat blankets. Yesterday, I cut a cardboard box to make a bed and lined it with newspaper and a blanket. Lauren and Jake helped me clear the outbuilding where the cats are fed and we put the box in a quiet corner without too many draughts.


It is a part open/part built building, full of junk which will take a whole day and a very big skip to clear but it is a little tidier now.


Last night, the pregnant one was sleeping in the box already. When I went out to feed the cats this morning she was still in the box and didn't run away. I could hear faint mewling sounds so I put one lot of food in the usual place but took the bowl over near her box. I could see three kittens although I think she has rejected one. I gently pushed it in front of her and went to fetch some water. When I went back the little kitten was behind her again.


Best leave it to nature I think - they are still part feral. I think she may still be producing.

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How exciting! I hope the little kitten is OK though. :(


I think cats become fertile again 3 weeks after giving birth, but they are still lactating then so you can't do the op. I know there is a problem having her done anyway, but I hope you don't have too many cycles of kittens!


Pictures please! :)

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Oh Lesley, how lovely :D

Kittens in your thread, Chicks elsewhere in Freerange's thread, and 2 eagerly anticipated babies. What a fertile forum this is 8)

It's almost enough to make me feel broody :roll: .

You will keep us updated won't you, preferably with photos please if Mummy Cat will let you :D

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What lovely news :P

My cat Pip had kittens a couple of years ago,& we watched her give birth to them which was great.

She had 4,& I can tell you that when they are 6 weeks old & into EVERYTHING you will be counting the days until they go thot heir new homes :?


Piccys soon,please :P

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How gorgeous Lesley! Keep an eye on her and check on the little one she's rejecting. If she doesn't want it then there's not much you can do except for rearing it yourself if you feel inclined (probably not), which is time consuming.


Can't wait to see them - we're busy for the next couple of weekends, but will sort a date to see you soon.

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Lucky you, the kittens sound lovely, if she is rejecting one or two she is probably too young to feed them all, our cat was ferel and we got her when she was pregnant and very young she had 5 kittens but the 2 smallest died even though we tried to rear them ourselves............Good luck I bet Lauren and Jake can't wait to see them......... :D

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First photo - there is a kitten, it looks like a little black blob. I know there were two but now I can just see the one - no sign of the other and the mother does not appear to be in distress. I'll check again later when Lauren and Jake visit.


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There are two healthy kittens - one tabby and one black with slight tabby markings.


Mummy cat left them to come and have some food at 4pm and i was worried that she wouldn't go back to them, but she did. She seems to be coping very well.


Lauren and Jake were so excited. They'd been really helpful with getting the box ready for her, they think she was just waiting for the box :D


Another of the little tabby females is looking a little round :roll: - and if she isn't now then she soon will be :?


Is a kitten farm agricultural? :?

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I think they moved up here from Banbury Clare :wink:


I'm still trying to find someone who will give me advice and help - I didn't realise it was going to be so difficult. Are Vets Receptionists trained at the same place as Doctors? - they seem to be - should I be talking to someone else?


I'm going to try the local Cat Recue this morning - it really is in their best interests to speak to me :wink: - otherwise I could soon be dumping 20 cats on them :roll:

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