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New Girl

Ok, I have to ask........

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Have you tried the Chicken Faq on here? http://www.omlet.co.uk/products_services/products_services.php?view=Chickens&about=faq

That link is for pepperpots.



That link is for Gingernut rangers


For each just look under: How many eggs will my chicken lay?


From the looks of your signature you have a gingernut ranger and a pepperpot, am I right?





a)They lay most of their eggs in their first year, as the years go on their egg production decreases yet the size increases, 300 in first year though probably 280-270 the year after.


b)Well, it says that they live for 4-5 years, but depending on the breed it can be longer.


For Gingernut Ranger it is the same as Pepperpot :D


Hope that helps

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Hi there NewGirl,


You seem to have asked the $64,000 dollar questions there! :lol::lol::lol:


Both really do depend on many things such as breed, treatment from hatching, exposure to diseases etc etc


Taking a very rough average most chooks lay one egg a day for at least the first year and this then decreases as they get older. Perhaps dropping to 2/3 a week by the time they are age 3ish.


Unfortunately chookies can die at any age if they come down will illnesses but a 'normal & average' healthy chook can live until they are 4/5ish but some can live to a ripe old age too.


If you are getting 2 eggs a day from your current chookies and this is enough for you then i wouldnt bother to get more chooks right now - perhaps spring time next year may be better if you are thinking about the eggs you may need.


Hope this helps :D

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They generally stop laying around 3 years, although this varies and it tapers off gradually.


I've got some 4 year olds who are still laying once or twice a week.


They can live for 5-8 years although it isn't unheard of for them to get into double figures.


Edited twice for embarrassing typos. Where are my specs?

Edited by Guest
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Thank you all for your replies, I think I'll hold off (if I can!!) buying any more for the time being then, maybe add to my flock next summer or the following year.


I don't want to end up in the situation of an elderly flock and no eggs, If I win the lottery I would buy a cube and have it full in seconds. I've only had my "second hand" girls a month and love them so much they are such caracters, I want more, but have to be sensible and practical.

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