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Hot Weather

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Chickens find heat much more difficult to cope with than cold - so yes, it could be affecting them. Make sure they have got a shaded area in the run, the Omlet cover usually does the trick, and that they've got enough water. It'll cool down soon enough :( and then they'll pick up again!

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Thanks. this bunch have the whole garden so they've plenty of shade and I've added some extra water around so they can get at it wherever they are.


hopefully they should perk up. They do seem a bit subdued though. They haven't attacked the dog for days.

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They do seem a bit subdued though. They haven't attacked the dog for days.
Couldn't help smiling at this. :D


The hot weather does take it out of them, but shade and plenty of water is the answer.


You could also give them chilled treats such as chopped cucumber, melon, tomato etc...from the fridge. They will love you forever.

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You could also give them chilled treats such as chopped cucumber, melon, tomato etc...from the fridge. They will love you forever.


Thanks for the tip here also.....some very happy hens with beaks in chilled salad at the moment! No eggs for 2 days :( don't think it's the heat though as they live under trees and don't look like they have noticed the hot weather.

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I gave mine some cucumber earlier and they had a peck and then walked away with their beaks in the air- fussy girls!!


My son dropped an ice cube by mistake out of his drink and again they ran up to have a peck then walked away in a disgusted fashion!


There's just no pleasing some chickens, but what they do go crazy for is water in any other container other than their glug- the children have been filling up cups from the wendy house with water and the chickens have been going mad for them. :lol:


Happy days...

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