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Help! Yellow Curry Poo's with my Chicks (With Photos)

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Only had chooks 2 weeks .... noticed that the number of curry poo's (yellow) has increased. Have seen at least 4 today.


I think at least 2 our Hens are about to start laying as they are getting quite broad and occasionally pausing, and looking into the coop as if they thought about going into there to lay an egg.


No health issues, all are eating, drinking, happy as can be, scratching around, doing chicken things.


I'd go so far as to say that apart from the yellow poo's nothing is wrong.


Any ideas?


We've made a few changes today including putting bark into the run for them which may have upset them ...

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Would overdoing the Garlic cause this?


I will examine tomorrow's poo-tray with a fine tooth comb.


Thank you for the reasurrance so far.


Have got some yoghurt (for us) but not really at the stage of grabbing and force feeding. Or do you add it to something else?

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I checked their grub, this morning and lunch time. They had some in.


Then I went out this evening and they went mental - all the food had gone :lol:


They had scoffed it all!!!


I quickly put down two cups of mixed corn as a Sorry, and then refilled the Grub with their mix of Pellets / Tonic / B.Bran and Garlic.


About 20 mins later I found a chorus of yellow poo's after they'd scoffed all the mixed corn.


They then went straight to bed.




Here's a sampling of poo photo's








Help! Please!

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My girls did similar poos when they were coming into lay, we have no yellow poos now. Maybe it's a sign that eggs are on their way.

I'd just keep them on pellets for a while. As long as they're well in themselves I wouldn't worry.



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