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Happy hens, but no veg left!!!

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I have 8 lovely hennys and a very wilful 2 year old who keeps letting them out of there pen, they make a run for it and love pecking about on grass. I didnt notice he had done this on sunday and the next thing i know they have eaten the content of one of my raised veg beds - radish and lettuce all gone - but they looked so happy one of them was literaly laid on her back making a lovely dustbath it didnt take long - they are all at it now my onions have gone too and all i am left with is losts of huge craters in my veg beds - sad about my veg but have very happy hens and now they are all laying - 8 eggs a day - yolk overload!!!!!!

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I sympathise Petite70.


I loved my chooks free ranging my whole garden last year, but then day after day they would get into hubbies veg patch (even though it was fenced off) and eventually he'd had enough.


Now my chooks have their own fenced off area of the garden to play in.

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I fenced off my 1m2 raised beds and the "fruit border" with wire netting from B n Q and bamboo sticks.

The girls are still out and there are no problems except when I take a side of the fence off for access and then we are back to square one with my "little helpers"- they usually get closed in their run temporarily at this point!

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I just realised today that my plan for the run we are in the middle of building has the door leading them THROUGH my veg plot on their way to free ranging.


OH cant see the problem with this - he thinks we can just shoooo them along. Anyone want to burst his bubble?

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