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Vegetable 999 needed!!!- actually is a tomato a veg?!?

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Hello I'm brand spanking new on here -so hello everyone. I have started a veg corner in my garden for the first time this year. I have no clue what I'm doing but I'm totally loving it. Up to this point i have been so proud of my tomato plants. I have a yellow one and an alicante - does that make sense? They were so healthy with loads of flowers and baby toms. Sadly i had to go on holiday for two weeks. I left them in the charge of a plant sitter. When I have come back all the leaves have wilted and some have dried out. The soil is totally sodden. I have removed all the dead leaves and have added more compost to sort the soil out. Is there anything i could do to save them?

Thank you :D

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Let them dry out a little then give them a good feed being careful not to over wet them again.


It is either the case that they have been over watered or let to dry out them over watered to try to repair the damage wither which way they hate to be too wet.


You have done the right things so hopefully they will perk up. make sure that the water can drain through and that they are not sitting in wet saucers or anything like that.

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the feed without wetting them too much sounds right to me...


by the way, i thought tomatoes were fruits...

i thought you call it a fruit if it comes out of a flower,

so technically, if that is right, tomatoes, aubergines, peppers, cucurbits, and all that... they're fruits....


is this right?





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Just a little update and another question. The bottom of the plant is looking a little healthier -phew!!! I am still worried about the tomatoes at the top. This old boy on our road is amazing and he inspired me to get started. I had tomatoes on my plant way before his but his are now starting to go red but mine are still green. His are light green where mine are dark green like a pepper. Do you think they have just given up? I never knew you could get so obsessive about veg growing.

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