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Why is it so addictive?

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my mum had a bit of an incident and she daren't tell me in case I came home, she accidentally left the door shut and then the neighbour tried to let them in but the door jammed and she posted them all through the nesting box as she didn't know how to open the back. Anyway the next day Stripey layed 2 sfties so was obviously a bit upset, my mum who apparently is not bothered about chooks said she gave her extra cuddles. bless em.

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I haven't even booked a holiday since I got mine and I usually try to escape twice a year (single, no kids :D).


I keep rationalising that I don't want to lumber anyone just yet, and I can't really afford it after re-flooring the bungalow throughout, but it's really that I don't want to leave them. I was bad enought leaving the cats for a couple of weeks, I'll be a wreck leavng the hens too :oops:


They really do worm their way in, don't they? :lol:

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