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complicated day...

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our poorly chick had a turn for the worse this morning and passed away at 3pm today :(


the kids will be told tomorrow when they come in, although we made sure they are aware of how poorly it was and that it might not make it, so it shouldn't be too traumatic (fingers crossed)


we had sort of half expected it, more so after last night's visit to a breeder in Kidwelly fromwhome we bought a Barred Plymouth Rocks chick from them, so the legbar chick wouldn't get lonely should the worse happen, and they were kind enough to donate 3 eggs for incubation


we haven't told the kids about the new eggs yet, we're holding off until tomorrow in the hope it will lighten their mood after we give them the bad news


life is so complicated when children are involved :?

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Sorry to hear your poor little chick didn't make it :sad:. Got to say that one of the others just gave me a nasty turn - I've been sat watching the webstream for the last 5 mins and the slightly smaller one of the two was face down with it's legs out behind it. I honestly thought it had died :shock: Sat watching and watching and watching, willing it to move when suddenly it jumped up, staggered around and joined it's mate for some supper :lol:


Phew!!!!! :lol:

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