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what age in chicks in cube?

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My original brood of 6 ranged from 10 - 14 weeks (including 2 bantams who were at the younger end) when we got them and they managed the Cube ladder fine, with only 3 needing help on day 1, 2 needing help on day 2, 1 needing help on day 3, and all fine by day 4.

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My original 2 girls the Orp and Faverolle were 8 + 10 weeks when I collected them, I lifted them in and out for a week or so until they were bigger and I saw them manage the ladder themselves.


But the Legbars and Leghorn were all 9 weeks when they arrived and they had no problems at all with the ladder and a few weeks on they jump onto the top of the cube and spy on the others from above.


I think it probably depends a lot on breeds and size.

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Thasnk you for those answers. I am actually wondering about much younger chicks.


My current brood are 3 weeks now and are able to fly high enough to reach the ladder of the cube, but I am concerned about them falling if they get it a bit wrong?

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I am now answering my own question, but thought just in case anyone wanted to know that I would post the answer anyway.


The babies are 4 weeks now and have gone into the cube with their mum. We got a peice of decking border from B& Q which has a sort of fake grass on it and we cut it in half and attached it to the ladder with a cable tie. This is perfect for the chicks getting up and down.


The first night most of them starting yelling when mother hen said it was bed time and left them all downstarirs, so we helped them to find the way.


Tonight they all went in without help.


They seem fine - and they are really very small because they are mostly bantam babies.

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I was going to suggest making a ramp for them - I'm glad it has worked out.


Our 11 week old chicks have been able to fly onto the top rung of their ladder (added interest for the run) since they were only a few weeks old so I wouldn't have thought the cube ladder would pose too much of a problem.

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