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run size and amount of bedding question

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Ours is 12ft x 15ft. We use a bag and a half of aubiose in it and change it every 4 weeks. It isn't slabbed underneath so we sprinkle stalosan on the soil before we lay down the fresh lot.


(BTW we couldn't believe how the cost of the aubiose had rocketed when we bought it this weekend. We find hemcore more expensiove, but both are getting ever harder to find)

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That is good to hear Egluntine, our run will be 13 x 6 (maybe slightly bigger but not much) so good to hear that a bale should last a bit longer than I thought (especially as my husband has to be the one to buy it as the supplier is near his work, he loves the chooks but he is starting to add up the cost of them :shock: I keep telling him that at the moment it is still the initial costs and once we are up and running the costs will be minimal :wink: )

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Have been wonsering this myself. Have been wondering how much I would need for our run which is 3m x 1.2m and also how deep it should be.


Also does esibed need to be kept dry? The horse shop I just spoke to said he wasnt sure for chickens, but for horses its designed to get wet (from horses wee etc) so he cant see why it getting get would cause any problems. Anyone got any experience of this?

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