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very concerned about my hens

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After weeks of singing the praises of my hens....what a happy flock....4 equals and one mother hen, things have changed. It all started the week after I wormed them with flubenvet. My instincts told me to leave well alone, but my good henkeeper reasoning told me to worm them as part of my responsibility of keeping them healthy. During the worming week, all henswere laying extremely well, though I always get a soft shell. The following week however, the egg production gradually reduced. Now the average is two eggs a day. In truth, I do'nt care about the eggs, as I have the hens because I love them, so eggs are a bonus. However, they seem to be going downhill. For example, they seem 'tetchy' with one another. Annie, the mother hen has started to peck the others and in turn the other four are following her lead. Nothing serious, but different behaviour than before. Also, perhaps it's just my imagination, but I'm sure they are poohing less than before the worming. In the henhouse in the morning there is still the same amount of poohs as before. However, out in the run, I'm sure there is less. What poohs there are appear to be normal. They are all eating and drinking well, but something is wrong. This morning, when I went to clean out the house, Suki was in the nesting box sitting quietly...and this is another thing, they are laying eggs much later on in the day. Anyway, I gently moved her...picking her up and stroking her. Then I clean out the nest box and put her back inside. At this moment in time, I have four hens happily sunbathing and Suki in the nest box fast asleep.

I know that my hens are very sensitive to change...I suppose it is a horrible legacy from their cage days. For example, if I major clean the whole run and the henhouse, they become very unhappy. So, over the months, I do the major clean in three stages....the front side of the run one week, the back side of the run the second week, then the house the third week. This makes more work but I do'nt mind because it works for my hens. Obviously, the run and henhouse are cleaned from poohs every day.

They are given poultry spice in their food weekly and lifeguard in their water. I'm wondering what I'm going to find tonight when I come back from work. So any ideas and advice would be greatly appreciated. I will look here tonight around ten pm. Thank you for reading this.

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Have just read some advice on here, so before going to work, sat Suki in some warm water for a few minutes in case she is egg bound. I could'nt feel an egg inside her. Furthermore, her vent is nicely pink and squeaky clean. Anyway, worth a try. Seemed to enjoy the warm water and towel dry aftrwards. I've put her back into the nest box. The other hens, apart from Annie flying up to check on what I was doing(head hen) are keeping well away from Suki. I've taken the back off the cube so that she can experience some sun warmth, I usually take the back off anyway, I get told off by Annie if I do'nt :roll:

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I've had a bottom pecking pecking issue i discovered yesterday - spookily the day after their last day on flubenvet. :think: I wouldn't have thought the two were connected, now I'm not so sure. It could just be coincidence. I think Suki may be broody. I'm no eggspert and I have yet to experience broodiness but from what I've read on here a hen staying in the nest box is usually the sign. So will be plucking her chest feathers and a strange 'growl' when you approach. As long as she appears healthy in herself You need to cool her down so either an ice pack in the nest box and cool baths or put her in a puppy cage/cat box for a few days to let air circulate round her (Obviously with access to food and water)


I'm sure someone with more experience will help soon.

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My Husband has just phoned me at work while I'm at break to say that, Suki has died.

Obviously I'm upset and feel a bit sick. I loved Suki...just like I love the others. She will be greatly missed from the flock. I guess that is why they have all been so tetchy these last few days. We know that hens hide an illness, and because the hens are sooo close, it has rocked the boat.

lots of love Suki xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Thank you for your kind words everyone. Yes, Eglutine, you are probably right. It is likely that she was ill for some time. Suki was the hen that was horrifically bullied by Alice in the first few weeks., She got over it after we took strong action with Alice. However, afterwards, Suki always had a way of being invisible......it's hard to describe. She kept her head down and out of harm's way. However, this last few months has seen Suki, together with May and Annie sitting on their branch...like a ladies club, observing Alice and Lucy's antics. Such good companions, it was lovely to watch. So I know she had a good life and was happy. I also know she was'nt in any pain or discomfort, just very sleepy. Bless her.

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