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Advice needed please...

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I've had my new hen Minnie for about 2 weeks now, and she's been living in her temporary eglu (kindly loaned to me by Kate) next to my exisiting eglu. I've been letting her free range with the other girls for a few hours each day, and she is getting braver and starting to steal treats off them, but they still chase her off if she gets too close. For a couple of nights I put her in the nestbox of the eglu with the other girls, to sleep, but as soon as morning comes, they chase her mercilessly, and she always ended up pinned underneath the grub, with two angry chooks pecking at her, so I've had to separate them again.


Another problem is, she's so friendly, if I'm out in the garden, she comes running and jumps on my lap at the first opportunity which sort of alienates her from the others. I've been trying to discourage this (which is not easy) so that they don't get jealous.



I'm just wondering really how long do you think it will be before they start to accept her, she is still quite young, but is starting to grow her comb and wattles - but still 'cheeps' rather than 'boks'. Would it be better if I got another young chook as company for Minnie so that when I do introduce them, it won't be 2 against 1?





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hi Josephine


How young is Minnie?


If she's younger than, say, 18 or 19 weeks, she's too young to be in with the bbig girls. It's not just a question of her physical size, it's also about her "mental" strength: young hens just aren't able to stand up for themselves, and will just submit and be pecked pecked pecked by older girls, usually with disastrous consequences.


Another forum member had a dreadful experience recently when she introduced a 14 week old to her established hens. Poor little baby.


Ideally they need to be kept separate until they are 20 weeks or more.


I've had two littlees who were 11 and12 weeks when I got them. They spent two weeks completely out of sight of the big girls (to make sure they didn't bring anything with them), and then I gradually moved the Eglu closer to the Big Girls.


Now they are 18 and 19 weeks, and we are at the free-ranging-in -separate-but-joined areas, with treats being fed along the perimeter.


Yesterday I allowed 15 mins of joint free ranging, but the littlest littlee still isn't really ready to stand up for herself, so it'll be another few days before I try again.


It's really tempting to get this over with as quickly as possible, but it just isn't worth taking the risk.

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Thanks Hazel, we think she's about 14-15 weeks. What you say about 'mental strength' is so true, it's like she doesn't even think to stand up for herself, and just either runs for dear life, or submits, so I'll definately be a bit more patient now, and resist the temptation to get the intros over and done with. They seem to be fine free ranging together, as she has plently of room to stay out of their way.

One other thing - she's eating the layers pellets fine, but reading up on another thread I've just realised, should I be feeding her 'growers' pellets until she's older?

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I agree with WitchHazel....she is probably too young.


I got some 14 week olds a while ago, and they have been kept completely separate. the Omlet netting is up now and they eye each other up through it, but nothing drastic has happened.


In fact, as I.ve mentioned in another thread, one of the big girls joined the younger ones yesterday and they played very nicely together.




Big girl on left.


I'd be inclined to get a companion for her of her own age and then introduce them to the big girls later. I know it means you have to go through the intro thing twice, but worth taking time over.


Good luck.

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Yes I've had some great advice from Egluntine and others to check the forum's FAQ/introductions section.


I got my two younger girls at 14 weeks, and they are now 20 weeks. I have had them alongside older ones in separate eglus and runs for 6 weeks with alternate freeranging and only yesterday did they all freerange for any length of time together. (With a great deal of supervision) my older girls have chased and pecked at them a few times initially, but that's after knowing them for 6 weeks.


I can see how younger ones would not stand up for themselves as my two are nervous.


Be very careful, because I think particularly if blood is drawn they will peck relentlessly with devasting results.


As I was advised, slow and steady is definitely the way to go. I am glad I heeded advice.

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Hiya from what I have read on the forum it also seems that it is much better to introduce 2 new hens to an existing flock. 1 hen will be an easy target to be picked on but at least 2 will have eachother if you see what I mean. Have you thought about getting minni a friend, especially if you have to keep her separate for another month or so?

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One other thing - she's eating the layers pellets fine, but reading up on another thread I've just realised, should I be feeding her 'growers' pellets until she's older?


The manufacturers recommend that you feed layers pellets from 16 weeks, but this is mainly about getting hens into egg production as quickly as possible. My Vet recommended keeping the babies on Growers pellets as late as possible, as they are designed to help the bird grow.


My not-so-littlees were 18 and 19 weeks yesterday, and in the last week I have started switching them over - but only because I'm coming to the end of my Growers pellets, and I don't want to buy another sack.


I'm introduing them gradually. Initially, 1/4 layers 3/4 growers; then half and halfl then 1/4 growers to 3/4 layers. Each time I waited until the grub was empty before refilling, so i could be sure what was in it.


I'm not sure what would be the correct thing to do in your case, now that yor girl is eating Layers. On balance if she was mine, and unless I received contray advice on here, I'd probably feed a mixture of the two (half and half?) for the next four weeks or so.


I;m sure someone else will be along to agree or disagree.

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One other thing - she's eating the layers pellets fine, but reading up on another thread I've just realised, should I be feeding her 'growers' pellets until she's older?


I gave Willow only layers pellets when she first arrived here at about 14 weeks. This was more due to my lack of knowledge than an informed decision - I never gave it a thought! :shock: But it doesn't seem to have done her any harm, she has grown into a very big chicken :D

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Thanks to all of you for the advice - much appreciated. Unfortunately, the OH has put a stop to me getting a companion for Minnie (I think it's because she pooed on him yesterday!!) :x:wink: - so I'm going to have to just carry on keeping her in seperate accommodation until she's big enough to defend herself. She's a brave little mite though, and did manage to steal some toast from big bad Winnie earlier, so I think when she's bigger they'll regret bullying her!!

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