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PETA? Help me understand.

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Hi all


Please forgive me for this post but I noticed a couple of weeks ago on the Chicken Forum there were quite a few 'anti Peta' remarks.


I'm not interested in Animal Activist Movements, Animal Rights Activists or in fact anything to do with these so called do-gooders (just my opinion!) but I was amazed at the strong feelings against PETA (whoever they are...)


I have my own thoughts & feelings about certain Animal Welfare organisations & 'charities' (which I won't air here) but I was intrigued about the PETA remarks.


After looking at their website they look ok - what am I missing?? (Not that I would subscribe to their 'fashionable statements, lets jump on the bandwagon' ideals.)


I would be interested in your opinions on this.


MODS - If this is in the wrong place sorry.


Please be assured I'm certainly NOT an advocate of alleged Animal Rights/Welfare groups - they have no idea about the real world!

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Me personally.I find many of their causes far too hardline.


If they had their way,none of us would eat meat,wear leather or own animals for that matter-which would be a bit odd for us here cos we have hens for eggs.Im all for animal welfare,but they're just something else.

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I know very little about them. What I do know is that they are very militant and extremist. As Stevie said they want to ban the owning of any animal which includes domesticated cats and dogs :cry: They seem to overlook the fact that cats and dogs have been domesticated for thousands of years, dogs have always been kept to repel intruders and cats keep the vermin down, and they are both very nice species to live with :) PETA members are of course all Vegan.



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