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We've got a green eglu and two lovely chickens (Uluru aka Lulu and Foggy) and they like to try to share the nesting box. This is ok as they are very friendly but I thought it would be great if there was an extra you could add to your eglu kit i.e. a clip-on nesting box. This would fit over the roosting bars and could be taken out for cleaning. It would also be great if the original box was removable for cleaning too!! What do you all think?

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I do agree it would be good if you could take the nesting box out to clean it. Following a tip from someone else on here, I have a plastic mat (they used a lino offcut) in the nesting-box, because two of mine roost in there and it gets very pooey.


A clip-on box? :? I'd never remember to take it out before bed-time! Mine seem to work out an order in which to lay, they don't mind queuing for a bit.

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Thanks for that good idea. Trouble is both Foggy and Lulu seem to want to lay at the same time and I'm afraid Lulu wins hands down. I think it's putting Foggy off as she seems to be a very slow starter. Lulu started laying two weeks ago and Foggy is still to get there, very interested though! When I said a clip on one I meant it also to be in the house so they could both sleep in nesting boxes too instead of sharing one very pooey one!

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I have an eglu and recently my 4 hens have been noisily protesting when all deciding to lay together. Strange as not had this problem before and had them for ages.


So last month I put in a ceramic oven dish filled with Auboise, put on the roosting bars. Decided on a heavy dish so they could not knock it over.


It is annoying to have to remember to remove it at dusk and put it back each morning but so far so good and I'll keep with it for a little while. Seems to have sorted my problem..... or maybe they are just traumatised by having a chicken sized oven dish in the run as a threat..... :wink:

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I'm glad I found this thread as I've only had my Cube for three days and my five chickens are fighting to sleep in the nesting box at night. They bickered for about ten minutes last night, and when I closed the door 4 were squeezed in there with the final one sat on the entrance looking longingly in. I think they must have stayed like that as I cleaned the roosting bars yesterday, and this morning there was only one poo in the tray, and loads in the nesting box. Are they expected to roost during the night, and should they not use the nesting box to sleep in. Or could I perhaps convert part of the roosting bars to more nesting space for them to stay in all night? Advice please :?



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