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Poorly hen, yellow poo, dodgy egg

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Need some advie please!! Got 2 new chickens five weeks ago and ever since we have had them, they have had yellow frothy poo. One of them has now got a bold patch beneath her vent. Spoke to a `chicken friend' who suggested worming (will do tomorrow). But I came home from work todya and she had an egg stuck to her bottom, don't think it was attached to her vent, bu more like stuck to her feathers. The egg had a hole in the shell and inside, it is like one massive blood clot :?


I went out this evening and gave them some cooked vegetables, but she would not touch it.


Anyone got any ideas and also, how long can a chicken go for without eating? Our neighbour is a vet and he said he would come around at the weekend, but I am not sure if this would be soon enough.



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Good news :dance: Been to the vets this morning, turns out that the chickens have worms and coccidiosis (a type of parasite). All easy to treat (injection - Intradine, drops Ivermectin and stuff in their drinking water). They should get better soon, hoorah :dance:


I have discussed this all with the vet and it does seem very apparent that the Wyandottes did not get it from our original 3 chickens (they all have no symptoms), but they must have come with it from the breeder. They had symtoms when they arrived; diarrohea and slight baldness near vent. They also had scaly leg, which she assured me that they didn't. Not at all happy with this woman :shameonu: , her attitude has been `nothing to do with me, it is all your fault', very unhelpful and makes me think she does not really care about the welfare of her chickens. Interestingly, she seemed more keen for me to take them back to her, rather than take them to a vet, I wonder why!!!


So, if any of you are thinking of getting chickens from a chicken breeder in Gloucestershire, don't!! I won't name the breeder here, but if anyone wants to know, send me a PM and I will be happy to discuss.


Thanks for the replies.

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Good idea about the breeders list, didn't know there was one on the website. I have now found it and she isn't on there. I did decide to report her to DEFRA this afternoon :shh: . They actually were very helpful and are going to send around Trading Standards to investigate!! Lets hope that it makes her improve her standards in the future. What annoyed me more than anything, is not that they had problems with them (as I am sure it is difficult to always ensure hens are free from pests etc), but her attitude; defensive, rude, unhelpful and trying to blame it all on me. Good to know that something can be done, if conditions are poor. Gosh, I sound harsh :twisted:

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Good idea about the breeders list, didn't know there was one on the website. I have now found it and she isn't on there. I did decide to report her to DEFRA this afternoon :shh: . They actually were very helpful and are going to send around Trading Standards to investigate!! Lets hope that it makes her improve her standards in the future. What annoyed me more than anything, is not that they had problems with them (as I am sure it is difficult to always ensure hens are free from pests etc), but her attitude; defensive, rude, unhelpful and trying to blame it all on me. Good to know that something can be done, if conditions are poor. Gosh, I sound harsh :twisted:


Well done. Not harsh at all. If she is selling sick animals, she should be stopped.

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