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Broody chook question

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I have to say that I don't mind her being broody if I can still get eggs from the other 2 hens. I am here in the day so I can chuck her off the nest to make sure she eats regularly so doesn't lose lots of weight. My problem really is that there is only one nest box and so she is blocking it. :?

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I'm no expert by any stretch of the imagination but one of mine was going broody a couple of weeks ago.

I kept taking her out of the nest box until the others had laid, then I let her go in for a little while but I put an ice pack in so she was sitting on that to help to cool her down.

Then I took her out of the nest box (once I was sure she wasn't going to lay) and shut the eglu door.

I also put an upturned plant pot in the nesting box overnight so she couldn't go in it then

I wasn't bothered about her not laying eggs but was concerned about the others not being able to get in to the nestbox as well as her health as she is fairly small and light compared to the others and didn't want her losing weight or catching something

It took about 3 or 4 days and then she just stopped trying to go into the nestbox and another week before she started laying again


Hope that helps



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You certainly can put her in a cat box and she will quite happily sit there brooding leaving the nest box free for the others. The problem you might have is that she will continue to sit there. Some sit for weeks on end and they do lose condition and weight. It's a pain to do, but it will be quicker (and I think kinder if you're not hatching with her) to snap her out of it, so put the box up on bricks, and don't put any comfy straw or anything in it. You need to lower her temperature to stop her being broody. They look sweet all puffed up but mine turns into a rottweiller with PMT when she's broody and I try to move her :shock:


Mrs B

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