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The Dogmother

Lots of eggs and apples? Tarte aux pommes à la Normande

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I was sent this by one of my Hen Party people:


Tarte aux pommes à la Normande

(recipe based on that on allrecipes.com, subject to adaptation and British 'translation')


You need:

180g of plain white flour

225g butter

3 eggs (2 yolks and 1 beaten egg)

115g ground almonds

80g apricot jam

Just over 100g castor sugar

15ml brandy


Somewhere in the region of five average-sized apples. I used eating apples, but I imagine three or four cooking apples would also do well.


First, make the pastry by stirring together 165g of flour and a pinch of salt, then adding 115g of butter and one egg yolk. Add cold water one teaspoon at a time until the mixture forms large crumbs. This will probably not require much water and indeed it may be necessary to add a bit more flour in order to avoid an overly sloppy texture (can you spot where I disagreed with my recipe?). The desired consistency is that of typical pastry, i.e. such that it can be rolled together into a ball without being either too sticky or too crumbly. When this has been achieved, wrap in cling film and put in fridge.


Next, make the frangipane filling by creaming together 115g of butter and 100g castor sugar until white and fluffy. A wooden spoon will do for this. So will an electric mixture, but the whisks are harder to wash up. Gradually mix in the beaten egg and the second egg yolk one at a time. Remember that raw eggs may not be terribly healthy, so resist the temptation to lick the spoon, however appetising it looks. Stir in the brandy (it's OK to lick this spoon). Stir two tablespoons of flour into the ground almonds and mix into the tasty buttery, sugary, eggy goodness. Set to one side.


Retrieve pastry from fridge and roll out of a lightly floured surface. Use to line a ten-inch flan dish and trim edges. Place back in fridge for about half an hour, or until firm.


While you are waiting, peel and core the apples, then cut into very thin slices. Preheat the over to about 200 degrees celcius.


Spoon the filling into the chilled pastry and spread with the back of a knife until even. Arrange the apples in a spiral on top of the mixture. It's easiest to start at the outside and work inwards.


Bake for 15 minutes, then reduce the temperature to 175 degrees. Bake for another ten minutes, then sprinkle castor sugar on the apples. Return to the oven until the filling is firm. According to my recipe, this should take ten minutes. According to my experience, about half an hour is more realistic (in other words, I would advise checking every ten minutes or so with a knife). When done, cool on a wire tray.


Before serving, warm the apricot jam and brush on to the tart.

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