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To cube or not to cube...

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Well now, we have 4 chickens, and eglu and converter. They girls free-range most of the day behind a netted off area but for various reasons (not at home as much so they can't range as much as they could, hubby cross as they fly over netting and trash garden etc) we are are thinking a cube might be good.....BUT the footprint doesn't actually seem much bigger, if at all. I know the runs are higher but what do folk think is the best amount of space for 4 chickens almost full-time? A cube with 1 extra extension would give them the same as they have now and I think it's too small 24/7...would an extra 2 metres do it? Does anyone have any pics of cube with 3 rather than 2 metres? over to the experts.... :)

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Hi, by no means an expert as only a week into chickenaddiction :D

We have a cube with the extensions, so giving a total length of 3m, but with 6 in there I don't feel it gives them enough room and will be purchasing another length or two this week. I'm sure I am more worried about than they are, there are logs and perches in there for them to make the most of the height, and they love cuddling up together under the cube in the afternoon. They havent been out much yet being only a week in, but for the days they will be enclosed :( I want more space.

Just my opinion, I havent had an Eglu so cant compare but sure there will be others who can advise.


Not sure my pics will help -


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I have but it would be too imposing in our garden I think. I like the idea of the cube not being too high or big a structure in a not massive space. It could go on the old veg patch but am also put off as neither myself nor my husband can do any kind of building! :shock:

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I've got four chooks in a Cube with one extension, they free-range every night although that's getting shorter as the evenings draw in, and they free-range for as long as possible at weekends - usually 2-3 hours but sometimes less. I think they're fine, yes there has been some pecking but I genuinely don't think that is due to overcrowding.


I used to have three in an Eglu + converter, and I feel they have much more space in the Cube because there is height as well as width. Like you, I didn't want a walk-in run because I felt it would dominate the garden and I like the option of moving the Cube. Why not see if you can go and visit a Cube, there's nothing like seeing one in the flesh, as it were, to get a feel for it.

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I love my Cube, but have never had anything else. Ours is in a walk in run, self erected, but the Avaries ones do look good - I have 7 hens so thougth a Cube with extension would still be too small. My girls are out round the garden for a lot of the day anyway though.


The runs don't have to be too imposing - I love looking out at ours in the garden and you can paint it a colour presumably to suit you - ours is bluebell blue :)

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Hm.. have contacted lovely Tony from Aviaries who says he can deliver but not erect and still think I prefer a cube because I can resell it and it is not so imposing. Thanks, Olly for the help with numbers - do you find cleaning the cube run difficult with an extension on it? I know some folk have done clever things with the door. Have visited a cube plus one extension and it looks fab but think I would put 2 on...decisions decisions...any down sides to a cube as opposed to an eglu? And do you put perches in the cube? How do you use up the height?

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I have the eglu....but think the height of the cube is great, for accessibility and the size is excellent to give you the option for increasing your flock.... if we hadnt been worried about all of our neighbours complaining that we have chickens we'd have got a cube.....(it would have been even more visible....I'd have loved a brighter colour too)


we have 2 houses looking on to the side of our garden, as well as one neighbour on the other side( no one at the back though thank goodness)...and we really were a bit worried...


so far so good though.. :-)


so my advice....go for it...oh and get a great colour.....I would if I could now.. :-D


(cube pink)(cube blue)(cube lilac)(cube purple)

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If you have two extensions on the Cube then I don't think you'll be able to move it on your own. I've got one extension, and if I put the wheels down and heave I can shift it a small distance, but ideally you need someone to hold the other end off the ground. This may not be a problem if you've got an OH, I live on my own so have to get a friend round if I want to move it.


I would definitely do the 'door conversion' - makes it so much easier to fill up Grubs etc. I don't clean my run out that often, to be truthful :oops: - spread lots of aubiose around and then rake it out after a few weeks - but if you're a keen poo-picker, you might want to adapt the whole front so you can open it out and get inside. It's got to be easier than getting into the Eglu run.


Re the height, well I keep meaning to get round to putting some perches in, there is definitely enough height for that. Have a search for Aunty E's Cube run, she put a mezzanine floor in hers!

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oh thanks guys - our neighbours thank god are very chicken friendly but my OH will insist we get a green cube (currently bidding for one on ebay) even though I WANT a lilac one :wink: I use bark chippings and don't poo pick at all just rake and hose so don't clean out very often as the poo does disappear. Will definitely do door conversion ( am a bit scared as beyond rubbish at practical things like that) and have a husband who can help me lift the thing if I need to....I think our decision is made really....and there is a lovely lady nearby who is interested in the eglu. Happy days! :D

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We have a cube plus a couple of the extensions and have done a door 'conversion' to help with cleaning etc, works really well although could probably do with a support arch at the front -


there are a couple of picks of how we made the hinges if you are interested in doing something like that.

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