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Womens Institute

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Our village newsletter has brought the news that there is a Womens Institute locally. I'm not sure if it is a new branch or if it has been going for ages - I never heard of it before. It is on this Thursday and I kinda wanna go but kinda am afraid of it being a little too close to home.


Anyone here in the WI? Is it fun? Is it for ME? :D

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I joined about a year ago - I was a bit worried that I was going to be too young (47) and I've put it off for ages - but I've found that age doesn't really matter - some of the older members have more energy and much busier social lives than I ever have!


I joined because a)I like the campaigning aspect of the WI, b) I like doing crafts, and c) it was a good way to meet local people as I've always worked a good distance away. There are quite a few in villages around where I live, but I chose a group in a village about 3 miles away (where I tend to go to Dr, Vet, butcher, shop, walks etc etc). I enjoy it - there are members aged from 30+ to 80+ in my group, but other WIs have different age ranges. (I think some of the newer town WIs tend to be younger). The monthly meetings are interesting (- and the cakes and tea afterwards are well worth joining for!!) but they do other things in between times as well. I'm running a silver jewellery course in a few weeks time - so you can really make of it what you want!


Have a look for meetings around you at http://www.womens-institute.co.uk, then go to some meetings as a visitor to see what you think. You don't have to join straight away. Don't think of it as an older woman's organisation - it needs new and younger people, otherwise it will die out - which would be a real waste of talent!

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