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beach chick

Apricot's gender...

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if you look here, you will see pix of my banties. somehow, I dont think Apricot is of the female persuasion!! :D



I've also seen him trying to get a bit fruity with Crunchie's head, which she wasnt that keen on. however, she's about 3 times his size so just swatted him away like a fly!


so far he hasnt been a problem or made a noise - he's coming up to 24 weeks, so praps we've got away with it??

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ah well, tis always good to get your suspicions confirmed!!! I still shout out 'come on girls' and they all come running! I do love the silkies, they are so ridiculous to look at.


poss silly questions:

- could a bantie cock do the deed with a big girl? (!)

- if so, what would the offspring be like?

- presumably I just keep removing the eggs as usual?

- bantie girls not laying yet, so havent dealt with a fertilised egg I dont think - they are ok to eat arent they?

- most difficult issue: if/when we decided to hatch some eggs, I'd have to think about what to do with the boys. cant imagine many people want an extra cockerel - I guess one per flock is enough - so WHISPER, could we eat them? otherwise I just wouldnt take the risk.

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They are all gorgeous! And I'd also say that Apricot is definitely a boy. Fertile eggs are OK to eat as long as they are not incubated.

Big decision about hatching and dispatching cockerels though. You can eat them, but silkies are not popular as meat birds as they have black skin :? Can't imagine that look roasted! :think:

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mmmm, see what you mean snowy. on the other hand, perhaps it might just look like a small gamebird - partridge, pheasant etc?


(sounds terrible to be discussing this, but tbh if we went ahead and hatched some - which I'd be very cautious about - I'd rather they got eaten than just destroyed).


a friend of my oldest, whose dad keeps chickens, announced at school today: "we had too many boy chickens, so I;ve got one of them in my sandwiches"!!!!!! - as long as you're not veggie, I think that's a fantastic attitude.

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Karen - I bow to the expert!! but the suspicion has been there for a while! and he is now growing spurs I noticed today.

I do hope he turns out to be a 'good' boy, he is so handsome I'd hate to have to think about losing him if he's noisy.

am currently martialling the arguments: even if he crows, he cant be noisier than the sea gulls, and as for the dawn chorus round here...!

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