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mrs chook

Hen housing dilemma, any advice pls?!

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I have always liked the (cube green) and currently have (pink eglu)(pink eglu) in a large enclosure. I find the eglu runs take up alot of space on the ground when the girls freerange and am wondering whether to sell the (pink eglu)(pink eglu) and get (cube green) which I have chance of or utilise the shed in the corner of their enclosure with access door for the girls already in it.


Sorry to waffle :oops::oops: , but my mind is racing and I just would appreciate some common sense advice and experience from those who have made any changes.


I have four girls who are now nicely settled together although sleeping in two pairs so would like to 'join them', giving them as much ground space as possible.


Naturally my OH wants to 'do up' the shed and keep the funds from the (pink eglu) s but I think I'd still like one or the other and so would put funds to (cube green)


ARGH!!! :roll::wall:


They freerange most of the day and as you can see are getting used to each other, excuse the shed, it isn't sideways really :lol: just refused to copy right way round.


Thanks for any ideas, suggestions etc etc.







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Would all 4 of them be happy sleeping together at night in one eglu? I think if it was me, I would sell 1 eglu (they get a good price on e-bay) and put the money towards a walk in run with the other eglu inside it.


I think the pics of walk in runs that I've seen on here look great and desperatly want one for mine......one day :D

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Get Oct copy of PP. There is an article on Chicken housing.

I would not convert the shed, as these are generally not thought suitable for Chicks.


You have lots of room, look on ebay for (cube pink) or a good wooden coop.


I have wooden, coop with run. Also let girls free range in an area like yours, but the run gives options to leave then "out" when I am not there.


Are you sure the girls would be ok sleeping together?



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I have a similar problem 2 and 2 free range well ish, 2 in the Eglu but 2 in a dog crate in the bathroom(downstairs ! :oops:

my prob is 2 are wicked blighters am going to have to bite bullet & do the bumper bt thing! :(

Am planning a run from Avaries4U for the winter (ha ha thats now then!)

My 1 eglu has a home made extension & if the girls were ok in the run this would be ok but for the eeaning of the Eglu run! THe extension has an easy removable hinging top!And the space & I think added height would be nicer for them too.

Also as none of mine like to roost I would need to think of a way to have 4was up boels in there for sleeping or go bunny style all on one bed!

Any thoughts?

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Would all 4 of them be happy sleeping together at night in one eglu? I think if it was me, I would sell 1 eglu (they get a good price on e-bay) and put the money towards a walk in run with the other eglu inside it.


I think the pics of walk in runs that I've seen on here look great and desperatly want one for mine......one day :D


I was thinking the same. My 4 medium sized girls all have room enough to sleep in one (green eglu) (mk II). Selling one eglu would give much more space. I would love a walk in run one day.

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Converting a shed is a great option as they make fantastic coops. The only things to do are replace the felt roof with coruline or similar, put in a perch and nest boxes and you're done :D It's also really, really easy to clean out as you can stand up in the shed. Takes me 10 minutes max to do a full clean out.


Having seen the room in an eglu compared to my shed for me there is no comparison.

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I was thinking the same. My 4 medium sized girls all have room enough to sleep in one (green eglu) (mk II). Selling one eglu would give much more space. I would love a walk in run one day.


Do you mind me asking (if you know) how do the 4 girls sleep?

Do they roost, have you made extra beds??

Mine don't roost prefering to snuggle down in a nest box!


Have you seen the photo of 10 imn an eglu? the person said they have 2 but only use the purple one for laying in! you could only see the 6 on top! should have asked them the same question. :oops:


didn't need to know then tho! :)

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Well, we have very succesfully converted our shed into a coop for our 5 girls. And we are just about to put a mezzanine floor in to utilise more space for them. They have loads of room, it is very cosy in there with plenty of shavings on the floor for insulation. They have a run built on to the outside which OH is going to make bigger again, so we can get 2 more chooks!

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I'd be worried about red mite in a converted shed TBH.


Why not get a walk in run and a cube. I find mine very satisfactory.


I'd also keep one Eglu for emergencies if you can.


In fairness I've not had red mite in my converted shed which we've had since April and my friend who has 8 sheds/coops has had none either in the years that she's had chickens. I know Poet on here has had them in her wooden coop but so has at least one cube owner.

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Unless you have a shed you want to convert, then it doesn't matter; is it that OH wants to use the cash to do shed up for storage, or that he wants to convert the shed to coop (and you don't)?

IMO if you keep things clean and the inside of the house is smooth and not full of little nooks and cranies, you're not particularly likely to have red mite issues. I think it's unfair to suggest that the only way to avoid mite /foxes/etc is to get an eglu/cube.

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