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Is it unkind to keep chooks in the run most of the time?

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This morning they were making an almighty noise, no idea what it was but me and my neighbour came running out. I was talking to some other people in our area this morning and found out that someone has has 2 lots of hens taken from their garden uin broad daylight while they were arounf but not in the garden. Another woman who lives a couple of roads from me (terraced streets so not very farat all) told me she had seen a fox in her garden last week. I just don't feel like it is that safe to let them out and because i have asmall children can't be with them the whole time.

So is it ok to leave them in the run the whole time (well most of the time I will obviusly let them out for an hour or so while I clean them out a couole os times a week.

What do you think

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I dont see it being a massive problem, as long as your run is big enough for them to move about in freely with plenty of things for them to do.


I've had mine about the same amount of time as your and they only came out for the first time yesterday! They wont be out and about much due to the amount of trashing they did in the garden....

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i have mine in a run we have just made bigger and moved it, onto soil as hten they have more to do with digging etc, and i have found my hens happier, they were on slabs.

mine are let out between 2-3 when hubby is home from work and im out doing school runs, at min im in and out all day with my daughters schools and they are happy in the run, and we getting more eggs now :dance:

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Ours stay in their run for 23+ hours a day (they have a cube with one extension) and seem quite happy.


we've used a couple of tree branches and the old wooden roosting bars to make a mezzanine floor which Paxo likes. She gets a good view of the house from there and can take some time out if she's being hassled by the others... she's the only one who can make it up there :lol:


They are on soil and wood chip so plenty of scope for scratching about... we make sure any treats have to be worked for for extra hentertainment.


They only go out if we can sit with them, as we have foxes in the area and we can't see the garden from the house (it's on a slope).

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I dont think the hens mind at all, I think its just us that worry! :wink:


I am sure I worry more about the health and hygiene of my hens, rabbits and dog more than I ever need to! The runs are designed to be big enough to keep birds in for the majority of time and free-ranging is seen as a treat for many birds!

Mine usually get noisy if any cats are lurking around. I'm sure yours will be fine although obv look out for Mr.Fox.

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I did let them out today but only for an hour and I sat and watched them the whole time, I can't be doing that. I needed to let them oout as I dropped the tin of corn on the lawn yesteray and it seemed like the best way of cleaning it up.

They do trash the garden dont they, I bought a lovely fuschia last week and they ate it first day.

they are on aubiose at the moment but it has gone manky this time as it rained so much the day after I put it down, this is on soil so plenty of scratching around, they also have an ikea shoe rack in the run.

thnk I might take a trip to b& q when dh gets in and get some wood chip and some compost to make a dust bvath.

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I think it would be more cruel to let them free-range when there's a fox about ... they wouldn't stand a chance.


Mine are in the run 23 hours out of 24, and sadly with the evenings drawing in so fast they are going to be in there 24 hours Monday-Friday, unless I have a day off. I'm sure they are fine, though - yes, they love free-ranging but they have plenty of things in the run to entertain them and at least they are safe there.


You can't watch them all the time, especially if you have a young family. I do get a lot of gardening done in the winter while I'm 'supervising' mine! but you have to be realistic, and they will be fine in the run.

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Could you give some ideas of things to entertain them in their run?



Perches/sturdy branches to climb on

A dustbath

Hanging up veg for them to peck on (broccoli, spinach, corn on the cob)

As an occasional treat mine have a seed bell (made from honey not fat) hung up which keeps them entertained for ages, and a strip of millet.

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