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Somethings Wrong HELP Please

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Ginger my bantam has what looks like a large white poo coming out of her rear end, it that looks stuck as her vent is protruding out and looks very red and sore. It doesn't look like an egg more like a large firm poo. Really not sure what to do. Do I try and clean her up or just leave it to see if she passes it out on her own.


Much help greatly appreciated,



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Could it be a soft egg?


Why not bring her in and lubricate her vent with some vaseline or cooking oil if no vaseline to hand.


If it is a soft egg, a calcium supplement might help prevent further problems.


When she has passed whatever it is, make sure her vent has returned to normal before you return her to the flock.


Let us know how you get on.

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Nope it wasn't a soft egg. Got her out of the cat box for a closer inspection and her bum bit was just full of poo (normal poo, not runny), plus a slight prolapse. Don't really know why she's had a prolapse as she hasn't laid an egg today. Have cleaned her up and it looks like the prolapse has gone back in. I'm now keeping her in for a while to keep an eye on her, so far she seems OK walking around and eating but I'm a bit worried for when she does try and lay an egg! Any extra advice would be very welcome,





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