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Non laying hens

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I've got one who has stopped laying - she had a bit of a cold a couple of months ago and I've had about half a dozen eggs from her since, and nothing for the last 2 weeks. She's also forgotten where to lay - I've found them in the 'house' part of the eglu, in the run and even in the dust bath...

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Shorter days mean slower egg production and also depends on your breeds :wink:


It's certainly not unusual to have a period of no eggs during and after moults and in Autumn and Winter. also after stresses egg production can be affected :)


Hope this may help you


Buffie x

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I have 2 pedigree hens that lay most days each. I have 6 other ex bats that are not laying at all. They haven't been since they've been here which is some two months now.


I do have a red mite problem which I'm resolving with steam cleaner and a blow torch. But that doesnt' stop the pedigrees.


They are free ranging but I'm fairly confident they aren't laying elsewhere. Their part of the garden is small enough and the dogs patrol it and I don't find egg shells anywhere as I would if the dogs had access to a supply of eggs unknown to me!!!

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Out of my two girls, Esther has been laying for a month - one egg a day, however, Gertie has not laid yet, but she is a month younger and not quite as red in the face/comb yet.


However, last Wednesday, we found her sitting on an Egg, so we moved her off it. since then, after a right old hulabaloo from her, Esther has't laid another!!! :(


Is this normal??

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