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terrified about Mr. fox

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Hi, completly new to this haven't really got a clue but i'll give it a go. Im getting my hens on 31st oct and im really worried that they are going to be attacked by a fox. Last night my neighbour told me that one came into her garden. Will they definitely be safe in the eglu and how about when their in the run?? Where can you put the chickens where they will be safe when i'm out? :? Can anyone help please. It will be very much appreciated. Thanks

(orange eglu)GNRGNRPP all on the way hehe

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The eglu with it's door closed is completly fox proof.


And even when they're in the run there is only a very very slim chance a fox will get them in there.


I've had my chickens just over a month now ( :dance: ) and we are always being told that there are foxes and as I seen them in the field on the other side of my wall I know that the eglu works, as I have not had a fox attack and I haven't seen a fox, in daylight.



Try not to worry about it I'm sure that everything will be fine for you and your new chooks.


Good Luck,



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Will they definitely be safe in the eglu and how about when their in the run?? Where can you put the chickens where they will be safe when i'm out? :?


Hi Butterfly! Welcome to the forum.


I've had an eglu for 3 1/2 years and we got foxes every night and I promise we've never had a problem when the hens were in the run or in the eglu! It's a dead good system.

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Google Foxwatch not fox watch. Get one on mains if you can. Also get hubby or another to wee around the eglu - it marks territory and tells the fox that another (bigger) animal is already there.


Put the eglu on concrete if you can or weigh it down with slabs.


There are also other anti-fox products on the market called scoop.


Check if the foxes that have been sighted are out in day or night time - your girls will be in bed (make sure by dusk if they are out and about - I'm not sure if you want them to free-range)


I know that it is scary but try the Foxwatch. I have two in my garden and although I know we have foxes living close, one has NEVER been into our garden.


Good luck with the new chooks - my goodness they are a lot of fun!

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