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I'm too attactched to my chooks!

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Hi I got my hens in March time and they were perfect PPPP and had the run of the garden but then we got a new labradoodle puppy in early summer and the chickens then had to have a run and hardly ever free ranged. However we have started to let them out with Harry but he still chases them. When they're out I get very protective of them and if Harry even looks at them I tell him off! and then when he chases them I get really annoyed and upset. My dad said I'm too attached to them but they are my chooks and the dog is my brothers and my mum and dads.


Does anyone have any ideas of how too mix a dog and chickens?


I need advice!






P.S Is it me or is everyone attached to their chickens?

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Yes we all get really attached really quickly! I have a terrier who was desperate to chase the chickens at first. I used to let him out only when the chickens were in their run until he completely ignored them in there. By then they were laying so if he got too near when they free-ranged they would puff themselves up and go for him so he was terrified. Now they all wander round the garden and ignore each other except when they flap about = he still gets excited then.


If you can follow the plan above it may work but I know other people have had slower progress and used water guns to spray their dogs if they get too near until they learn their lesson.


If your dog gets hold of one of the chickens they could die of fright or injury and I'm sure your dad wouldn't want you to have to go through that. Good luck!

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I had a cocker spaniel pup and we introduced her slowly. Luckily we had a big flock at the farm where I keep my horse. The hens are very confident and used to dogs and will peck a cheeky puppy on the nose! Put him on the lead and take him into the run with the hens and get them to gather around (using grub!!) all time reassuring him, when he pulls to get one, give him a sharp tug and say NO. Do this several times a day, walk him amongst them, praising him if he ignores them and say NO if he has a go. It took about 2 weeks to get Syke to accept them and now she happliy helps me clean and feed the chooks, she keeps a weary eye on them however as they will peck her if she puts a paw out of place.

Be patient though, a fluffy, noisey panicing chicken is a tempting toy.

Good luck!


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