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She's all puffed up and dozy

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Help, not sure what's wrong with Millie my 3 year old ISA.


For the last few days she has been very dozy all day and has very puffed up feathers when she is resting.


She is eating and drinking but normally she is very interested in treats and food which she isn't at the moment.


I am worming them all at the moment with Flubenvet and Millie has been treated with Xeno 200 recently (there are not signs of worms that I can see though).


When I checked her over at the weekend she seemed to be lice and mite free, she has a bit of a bare bum and tummy and is also moulting a bit too on her wings. No obvious wounds or sore bits though.


Her comb is a little paler than usual but not floppy.


She hasn't layed for several months now so don't expect its anything egg related.


Sadly I am away working this week in Scotland so my DH is looking after her but he isn't around during daylight hours much which is a bit of a worry. Also, he isn't very used to doing anything chickeny as that is my domain!


Any ideas?

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You have eliminated all the obvious possibilities.


You say she is no longer laying. Is her abdomen swollen? Is she walking as if her horse is no longer there and she hasn't noticed?


She sounds exactly like one of my hens, who has intermittent signs of peritonitis.


I'd ask the vet to have a look at her is she doesn't improve.


Fingers crossed.

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Amber was the same Saturday pm and all day yesterday. Puffed up, stood in one place and sometimes eyes closed, drinking but not eating.


I worried myself stupid yesterday and had her on my lap eating dried corn and grapes which she wasn't interested in. At bedtime she just stood outside in the run and I had to put her inside the eglu with the others.


Woke up this morning fearing the worst and she was FINE. Soft egg in the nest box. So I hope that was what it was. She's been OK today, eating again and perky and hopefully will be tomorrow too.


Hope your chooks pulls through.

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