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Growers grit - necessary?

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Hi all,


I'm struggling to find any growers grit, have searched our local pet shops, country suppliers etc. I got some when I picked up my 10 week old hens. Now they are 14 weeks and I've gone through that supply. Now I can only find mixed grit which includes oyster shells and online delivery prices are ridiculous...


So, will it harm the chickens to have the soluble oyster grit mixed in now before they are laying? Is it just unnecessary or is it actually harmful? Or, does anyone know where I can get growers grit from???


Many thanks for any advice

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Hi all,


I'm struggling to find any growers grit, have searched our local pet shops, country suppliers etc. I got some when I picked up my 10 week old hens. Now they are 14 weeks and I've gone through that supply. Now I can only find mixed grit which includes oyster shells and online delivery prices are ridiculous...


So, will it harm the chickens to have the soluble oyster grit mixed in now before they are laying? Is it just unnecessary or is it actually harmful? Or, does anyone know where I can get growers grit from???


Many thanks for any advice


Interesting post Vic, is growers grit the flint grit without shell? I have had someone tell me today that my hens would be better on flint grit and not mixed grit? I have no idea what to do for the best so will follow this with interest.


I'm afraid I only know where to get mixed grit.



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Where are you roughly because I know somewhere you can get it in West Sussex nr Arundel, they are called SPR. What about contacting some poultry breeders in your area and see if they will sell you some?





SPR do mail order but i cant see flint on thier website...maybe give them a call



or ebay...






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Thanks for replies. I'm in Somerset - just south of Bath.

I'd found those websites and a few others, but the postage is just so ridiculous as it's heavy stuff and unfortunately don't need anything else at the moment so it's just not worthwhile putting an order in.

I've given them some mixed grit tonight anyway and just taken out some of the bigger bits of shell in it...!

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