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putting on weight v too many treats?

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there are a lot of threads regarding putting some weight on chooks but surely too many treats is not good. :? Not sure I am very good at getting the balance, too many treats apparently they lay softees/ get the squits. so what to do.

If too long free ranging same, so presumably too many live meal worms same :( ???????

confused & clearly getting it wrong myself.

How soon should one see an improvement, am I in too much of a hurry.

Like to add that I have 1 ex bat, head girl that just seems to just be getting bigger & bigger should THAT be a concern. She isn't openly stopping her pal the underweight one from eating & there arte lots of pots of food about. Take thin one away & she hardly eats at all!

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I would make sure there are a couple of food stations Sandy. That way of head girl is hogging the food, she can't 'man' two feed stations at a time.


I find they love layers mash/pellets mixed with warm water to make a porridge. It is just their standard feed (mixed with tinned sweetcorn :oops::wink: ), so provides them with goodness and they see it as a treat.


I do give a very small amount of mixed corn in the late afternoon. They will eat more now it is getting colder too.

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thanks Christian, made me laugh cos there are at leat 6 feeding stations due to these 2 being a bullying pair!!!

Think Greedy has a dependency problem as she wants to do EVERYTHING together.een to same bowl. thinkI got their names the wrong way around now!maybe I want to see fat chook too quick, now her tum is sorted perhaps she will gain. allways seems to be eating tho

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