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Lonely hen.. will she cheer up? Do we find her a new buddy?

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Very sadly one of our 'original' ex-batts had to be put to sleep this morning, she's had a good innings and we knew she wouldn't hold out much longer. It means that her room mate (top of the pecking order and very fiesty) is on her own in the (purple eglu). When we left her this morning she was very anxiously looking for her friend. Will she get over it soon? She's got the two newer, scrawny ex-batts to look at next door in the (orange eglu) but unfortunately they're petrified of her and doubt I could put them all in together. They do free-range together at weekends/or first thing in the morning.


Is it best to get her a couple of healthy (i.e. hybrids) to play with soon-ish? Or better to put her in with girls she has at least known (and bullied mercilously) for 6 months?

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Now that her pal has gone, she might behave differently and be nicer to the others.


On the other hand, she might well bully any new girls that come along too.


I'd leave it a week or so and see if she behaves any better. Have you thought about fitting her with a bumpa bit?

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sorry to hear about your loss.


Poor maureen, if you can get your hands on some homeopathic ignatia 30potency X 3 doses intially -you may need to give more (boots usually have it in stock) it may help her with grief.


we have used homeopathy quite successfully with our ex-batts and rescued cats. Hope this may be useful, thinking of you all :(

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I'll have a look tomorrow for the homeopathy - thanks for the tip - and I'm glad it's nearly the weekend so she can get out in the garden with some company. Overall it's been a difficult year this year with 3 hens (and moggy) passing on, I guess that's the risk with ex-batts. We've been so lucky that the Big Bird is still really strong and healthy; she's our only layer too! I hope it lasts (she's the one at the front in my picture)

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Tricky one really, because you can't keep her alone for too long as she'll just become really stressed and miserably, but equally, risking here in with the ex-batts at the moment doens't sound ideal either.Do you think you'll ever be able to put them all in together? If not, I would go ahead and get her some company sooner rather than later. If you might be able to in future, it depends on how amny choockies you want, really.

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