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mucky glug

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I've got a problem with my hens sitting on the top of my glugs and dropping dirt and grass from their feet into them (I've got 2 as sometimes it makes the metal bits stick and leak all the water out...).


I end up having to empty, wash and refill them every day - and one is getting very slimy!


Does everyone have this problem or is there something I'm missing?

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Mine just get funny bits in the bottom of the water where I think they drop food into it from their beaks!! :?


If it's any consulation the way to keep your chickens healthy (so I've read in various chicken books and Practical Poultry mag) is to give them clean fresh water every day, in a clean glug. If you let it get slimey and algae-fied (is that a word??!!), it can cause them health problems :(


I've just re-read this post and it makes me seem like a right swat :oops:

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To get mine super clean I also pop them into the dishwasher every so often (when I have space!) and they come out squeeky clean, :D I wash them by hand otherwise every few days. I always have a clean one spare so I can rotate with a dirty one, that way their water is always in tip top condition.

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