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Old Speckled Hen

Hens and Cockerel

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I'm thinking of adding more hens to the flock and have read steve's story with increasing horror. I have four at the moment and am thinking of getting another three next spring. They will all be able to free range. IF (and it is a distinct possibility) I got a cockerel first, then sometime later after he is established, the new hens, do you think the introduction might be a tad easier if he puts them all in their place or will the hens still have to sort out their own pecking order?

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Don't know about cockerels, but I can tell you about our latest experience. We followed our breeder's advice and put the 2 new girls in with the older ones when everyone was asleep (it has to be really dark). In the morning there was some scuffling and chest-pushing but no real fighting. They all went to bed together with no fuss and stayed indifferent to each other this morning!


I suspect it's because they get used to each others' smell overnight.


Good luck!

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