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For Ntl customers :)

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Just thought this might interest you :)


I phoned up Ntl last week saying im not happy with my bills being so high. I got put through to the "disconnections team" (who can offer you better deals).


The they looked at my current package (Tv + family pack, telephone with free evening and weekend calls, and 1meg internet) I was paying over £65 a month. and they have now said I only need to pay £32.


Might be worth a phonecall!



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Everyone I know at work who has ntl has been doing this - the market is so cut-throat at the moment, the telcos will do anything to cut customer "churn" :)


I just cancelled my sky subscription (it's waaaaay too expensive) and the woman at the other end was very, very persistant. She even tried "the analogue signal's getting switched off soon you know!" :roll:


Didnt offer me a discount though!

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Sky are forever ringing me to try and get me back! I've told them that I don't watch much TV and that since I already have ntl phone and broadband, adding a basic TV package to that only costs me a couple of quid a month - they still try to sell me a "special deal" that'll cost me a tenner or more once the free/discount period runs out :roll:


Must think I'm stupid...

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Thanks for that Kaz, we're with Ntl (not wildly keen on their service, but they're the only cable provider in the area, and living in a bungalow with a mature wood right behind us we need cable reception for our TV.... conventional analogue and aerial transmission is dreadful when the trees are in full leaf). Anyway hubby tends to do the negotiating with them, and I haven't got a clue what we pay :oops::oops: , but I'll put him on to it. Sounds like we could make a saving :D

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A shame im with Telewest :(


There's some hope for you too Emma!


I am with Telewest and they now own NTL (or have merged)


The same thing will work with Telewest. I took out the new TV Drive service and blagged for £10 per month with no connection fees or having to pay extra as I wasn't going to keep the old box in another room, I get the phoneline part of my bill refunded as I keep getting sales calls (have a BT phone so don't need it anyway) and threatened to leave them if they didn't do it. Also got them to do a half price deal for 12 months (was the current offer at the time for "new customers only) on the TV package.


A useful way to do that is to tell them that you'll cancel and your OH will take out service in their name so will then be a "new customer"


Give them a call and say that you aren't happy and see what happens!

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I worked for Telewest for 6 months once :(

I phoned to cancel the Internet, and they barely let me get away with it :evil:

He wanted to know what the new deal was and I said it was free as now through OH's work. He didn't seem convinced by this and I had to spell out to him that he couldn't actually beat a free service :roll:

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