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Layers Pellets / Growers Pellets / Both

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What do you guys feed your chucks? I give mine layers pellets but was wondering if it might be good to mix in some growers pellets for a chicken of mine who is recovering from an attack and has got a bit of catching up to do. I wondered if it might help her not get picked on if i feed her up a bit before her return to the run. I wondered if being a little bigger might give her a bit more confidence in the argy bargy. What do you think?

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i dont thinnk some growers would do any harm...however be sure to check whats in it...my growers pellets had medication in and couldnt be given after 16 weeks of age.....just a thought... :-)


Mine get organic layers pelllets...but I have to say they dont seem to like it much and i might try and source some of that smallholders free range layers pellets..to see if they like that better.....


mine will throw most of their layers pellets on the floor...


(i have to say, with the bad weather and them having colds, I;d given them hanfuls of corn when they were free ranging..which they now like too much, so I've stopped altogether)


i really dont think the like the organics layers pellets though (and we are on the 2nd 25Kg bag) as when they had the previous growers pellets..they ate that with no problems... Farmgate was the brand....as they were the only growers I could get for my 14 week olds at short notice..the shops didnt stock the organic range, which I've had to pay for mail order, plus delivery


hope this helps

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Thanks - that's all interesting. Of course, I love the eggs and I want them to lay but if they were a bit scrawny and getting a bit picked on....!

I will check the packets carefully. Mine don't seem very interested in the alyers pellets but will eat it when there is nothing else - so i make sure there is nothing else most of the time (apart from a cabbage which is hanging up) but I did use the pellets porridge idea off this forum and they liked that better. i also find that they are more interested in pellets on the floor than in the grub. Funny things :)

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