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calling Cube owners!

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Just wondering if any of you cube owners know, we are thinking of upgrading to a cube next spring and wonder if there is an option to have either a left-opening eggport door or a right? Just that our garage wall is on the right so would want an eggport door to open on the left. Not sure if they all left opening as standard? Thanks.


I'm quite excited! :dance: but apprehensive :pray: cause I don't want to upset the apple cart! We are thinking of getting a silkie (I've wanted one for a while!) and a bluebell! We would keep the older girls in the eglu and the new girls in the new cube and then free range under supervision and slowly intergrate them (would find out more about it first!).

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Haven't been in touch for some time for various reasons. Just wanted to sympathise with your dilemma. I have very limited space as well.


You must have enough space to pull the poop trays out (Egluntine or other expert please correct me if I'm wrong) and you do need to be able to get into the Cube run if only to top up the Grub and occasionally give the Glug a good clean.


But there is an alternative to accessing the nest box, which is pushing the roof forward. You should be able to stretch down into the nest box to gather eggs and occasionally clean and replace your nesting material. If your arms are on the short side, this may pose a problem.


I'm 5'5" and think I would not have a problem, but I admit I haven't yet tried it.


If that's impossible for you, I think that all you need is to be able to squeeze your body between the nesting box side and whatever limitation you're up against. Not ideal, but perhaps more doable than you would think.


I agree that it would be a good idea to visit someone with a Cube to see for yourself.


Good luck! :D

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Thanks everyone for your replies, very helpful. May go and visit an omleteer with a cube sometime! Didn't realise the roof slides! that may be an option, depends on how much of a pain it is to unlatch etc. I think it would be worth the aggro of roof sliding for extra chickens and eggs!

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Cluckbok, will you have about two feet on the side opposite the nest box to pull out the rod that closes the door to the coop?


Although I leave my door open at night so my hens can get themselves up in the morning (run door secured though), I have found it helpful on occasion to be able to close the door--to temporarily shut in a particular hen, for example.


And remember that you have to allow space for the skirting on both sides anyway.


I love my cube! :clap:

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I only have a very small gap between the eggport door & my fence, just enough to get my hand in really.

I'll measure it- it's 30cm, so only 10cm wider than the run skirt. I'm sure that I would have room even if the gap were smaller.

It might help that I'm left-handed!

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