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New to roosting bars

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Hi All,


My girls are 10 weeks old approx and until today had been sleeping on straw. They have never seen a roosting bar in their life!


I have put them in their new eglu and now they are all trying to get in the nesting box at once, I assume this is because I have put straw in there.


What should I do?


It is only the first night in there, so should I leave it and they will work it out for themselves or should I out some straw over/under the bars?

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I got my two when they were 10 weeks and they slept in the nest box for about the first month then they seemed to grow out of it. But sometimes now I get poo in the nest box because one of them sleeps with her bum hanging over! :roll:


I would leave them be as they are only little. When they get more used to you and their home you can start making changes. It's not like you'll get poo-ey eggs as they won;t be laying for a while :D

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