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Introduction/bullying dilema - advice and options sought

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As I may have mentioned :oops: my cube arrived last week, giving us two eglus and the cube. As three of the girls had been picking on poor charlotte, I decided to split them up. I put two in the (green eglu) whilst one of the others went into the (cube purple) with the three girls that get along fine. Two new girls are currently in (red eglu) To start with the single bully did have a go at poor charlotte but a week on and it seems to have stopped.


ALL of them have been freeranging together in the last two days.


Still with me :?:


So, tomorrow the (green eglu) is going meaning that the two bullies are now going to have to go somewhere.


I really am loathe to upset the apple cart with the rehab of the singled bully, but, can't see a way round it.


So do I?..


A)put the two bullies into the (cube purple) so re-establishing my original flock and hope that the week apart has broken their habits.


B)Put the two NEW girls into the (cube purple) and the two big girls into the (red eglu) for a further week or two.


C) something else...


I really could use some ideas on this please



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